2020 was likely the most unusual year for local real estate. It was definitely the busiest for me!
As a fun exercise Debby put this collage together with my 2020 sales photos.
It’s funny to see all of these transactions capsulized and reduced to a collection of exterior photos. Each transaction was certainly a lot more involved and time consuming than what is portrayed in simple photos. Not to mention all the paperwork and technology involved in real estate in BC these days…
Some of these transactions were pretty straight forward for me, but as others in my business would attest, this is the rare occurrence these days. Most have lots of twists and turns and ups and downs. Lots of complications and surprises can happen for both sellers and buyers from when a property is listed and shown, when an offer is presented/received, and ultimately a sale (hopefully!) occurs.
All of my listing clients have experienced the Seller’s “ride the roller coaster” journey that is the preparations for/always being ready for potential buyer showings, then the offer/acceptance and due diligence process, and the ultimate culmination point, which is the successful sale. Some were very fortunate in our new brisk real estate market in the Creston Valley and Kootenay Lake East Shore and they received multiple offers promptly after listing their property. That has not been a common occurrence in our area over the past several years so 2020 was a turning point for those (which may or may not have momentum into 2021…). Others had the single offer come along at some point either promptly or a few weeks or months into their listing experience (the normal process). Others had to endure perhaps 3 offers which either failed to achieve a sale or resulted in that final sigh of relief – a successful sale. One of my sellers even endured six accepted offers, that usual two week wait for buyers’ financing approvals for each, plus a few home inspections. Two of these were even (yikes!) 6 hours long each. By December they were pretty exhausted/ doubting it would ever happen but ultimately relieved that they did achieve a sale. (Then they get the joy of packing up everything for their move out!).
Buyers have their own roller coaster ride. Many in 2020 who have been looking for a long time, found the “ideal” new home only to miss out in multiple offer scenarios. However, often these turned out to be fortunate failures as an even better fit came along afterwards. They too endured the emotions of disappointment, excitement and eventually relief and showed a lot of perseverance.
I have great sympathy for sellers and buyers making big moves, especially those trying hard to downsize. This comes from a person having difficulty with his five-year plan to spend the slower winter months cleaning out and organizing his shop/garage. I think I might now be in year seven of my plan…
I also have a lot of respect and for every client I have had the pleasure to work with in 2020. They have shown resilience in sticking with their plans through the ups and downs, disappointment, and the elation that comes with a real estate sale or purchase. I am certainly grateful they chose me to join them on their path and that I had a role to play in their successes!