What makes the timing work?
Thank you Lee for helping me sell my house. It sold in mere hours. Well, actually two days but it was such a pleasure to work with Lee. Lee went above and beyond to make the transition to my new home enjoyable. Did I mention my home sold over asking? I recommend Lee for all your Real Estate needs. – Connie Arnott
Timing is everything when making a change that requires a move. When is the right time, both personally and in the marketplace?
A move comes with its challenges but making a change can be even more challenging. More challenging because change often requires an emotional and psychological adjustment.
I admire those who can graciously accept that even though their physical ability has deteriorated, and they cannot maintain their house, they can still adapt to live fully. Interestingly it seems that being committed to making a move makes things happen with ease while reluctance drags things out. The trick is knowing how long one can stay the course in their present circumstance and when to make a change to something different.
Every person is unique, there are no pad answers to when it is the right time. Hindsight is 20 20. We have seen when our neighbours waited too long to make a change and the worry made life far more stressful than it needed to be.
As Socrates once said, “to know thyself is the beginning of wisdom”. Having a trusted Realtor on your side to talk to and receive valuable advice can help homeowners work out what is best for them at that time. The subject can always be revisited if the decision is to hold off making a move until a later date. Also, by staying in touch with their Realtor sellers can keep their options open for possible change of plans.